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Ep 123: What Is a Mixer?

You may want to consider using a mixer for recording your podcast episodes, as there are many benefits that they offer. In essence, a mixer takes multiple audio channels and routes them into other audio channels, giving you much more control over each channel in and out. Using a mixer will increase your sound quality and the amount of control that you have while recording, which is especially useful when conducting interviews or discussions with multiple speakers. Listen to find out more!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Mixers have been an important part of the audio world for many decades. 
  • Although not necessary for podcast recording, they can be very useful for the task.
  • Using a mixer will improve your sound quality and control over the audio levels.
  • A mixer allows you to make real-time adjustments to multiple audio channels.
  • There is a wide variety of options for you to consider when buying a mixer. 

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