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Do You Need a Podcast Website? 9 Things To Include

Building a podcast brand, like building a house, involves many elements. And all of these elements need to work together to form the desired end product. And one of the elements of building a strong podcast brand is building a podcast website.

What is a podcast website? A podcast website is an online presence for your podcast. If we’re going to carry on with the ‘building a house’ analogy, your podcast website can act like a cornerstone from which all your other podcast activities can stem forth.

Reasons for a Podcast Website

But besides acting as your podcasting headquarters, your podcast website houses a whole lot of very important elements. It’s the place where you can offer show notes and transcriptions for your show, all your other resources, share your blog posts, or the place to offer your products and services, and share your personal information.

It can also be where your listeners can learn more about you, give feedback, engage with you, or even engage with each other.

But a website for your podcast has one more really important function. It’s somewhere everyone who has access to the Internet can find you! Social media is a modern wonder, and you should be active on some social media platforms in order to grow your following and promote your show, but a website does not demand that the user have an account or create a profile before using. A website is something everyone can access. Thus a website makes you and your podcast all the more accessible.

And lastly, if you build correctly and get your website ranking highly for your keywords, then a website is one of the best resources at your disposal when it comes to podcast discoverability. Meaning that if people take to Google, or their search engine of choice, and go on the hunt for something in your niche, if you’ve got a website that’s set up to rank highly, it should come out near the top in the search results.

9 Things to Include on Your Podcast Website

Now that we know just how important it is to have a website set up for your podcast, let’s take a look at the 9 things we feel are important to include on your website.

1. An About Section

First up, make sure to include an About section on your website. This is one of the best ways to really introduce yourself, your podcast, as well as your overall brand to your audience.

Give a little insight into who you are, the type of content you share, and even a little background about yourself, insight into why you picked your topic, or even how you came up with your podcast name.

Remember, part of the reason podcasts are so special is that you get to form this incredible bond with your favorite podcast hosts. And one of the best ways to get this relationship off the ground is to make it easy for your listeners to get to know you. And your website’s About page is the perfect way to do this!

Bonus Tip: You could consider filming a “Get to Know Me” video that you can embed on your website. This is the perfect way for people to really get to know the face behind the mic and add that personal touch to your website.

2. Your Brand’s Mission and Vision

Along with your About information, a great way to allow your podcast listeners, as well as all who land upon your page to get to really know what you’re all about is to share an overview of your brand’s mission and vision on your website.

Including this information also lets anyone who lands on your website know just what you’re about, and the type of content you offer, and it can also give in-depth insight into your vision for the brand you’re building. Use this section of your website to allow your listeners to learn about the heart behind the voice. 

3. Your Podcast

It goes without saying that your podcast should definitely be a feature on your podcast website! Create a space on your site that makes it easy for viewers to listen to your latest episode or browse your back catalog and get up to speed on all the amazing content you’ve been sharing.

And your website is a great place for your podcast because of all the extra features it offers you! There’s space for more images, more descriptions, and a giant, eye-catching play button if that’s your style. You can easily offer full episode transcriptions, your show notes can be full of creativity, and you could even add some behind-the-scenes images for episodes. Having your podcast featured on your website simply makes it easier to really flesh out your listeners’ experience of your show and make it all the more enjoyable.

Bonus Tip: Don’t forget to include ways that make it easy for your newfound followers to subscribe or follow your podcast on any of the myriad podcast-listening apps!

4. Contact Information

Your podcast website also needs to include all the necessary info for people to contact you. How else are you going to get all those invites for guest host spots? Your website should make it easy for people to reach out to you.

It can be as simple as listing the email address that should be used, or it could be a built-in feature or message board which can be used to connect with you. Opening up the communication channels by making contact information readily available helps to build those desired relationships with your audience. Besides the fact that it makes it that much easier for people in the industry to reach out to you and make connections that could lead down some very exciting paths!

5. Your Blog

Another top item to include on your podcast website is your blog. Not only are blogs a really effective way to amp up your SEO, but they can also offer your audience more of your incredible content that they just cannot get enough of!

Perhaps you’ve got some thoughts on a particular niche-related topic, but it just doesn’t translate well through the audio medium. Perhaps it needs the written word to really make an impact. Enter your blog!

Sharing content in multiple formats is also one of the steps to being considered an authority in your niche, something all podcast hosts are after!

Related read: 8 Ways To Strengthen Your Niche Authority

6. Call to Action

Your podcast website is also the perfect space to reinforce some of the calls to action you share on your podcast. Seeing these in a written format can be an effective way to encourage users to take the desired action. Couple that with a clickable link, and you make it that much easier for your audience to respond to your CTAs.

You can change these up as you seem fit, you can make them really eye-catching, and you can add all the background info or other details to help make your call-to-actions meaningful and relevant to your audience. You can add website links to other sites where applicable, or add photos and images that help increase responses to your calls-to-action, something that you can’t do with CTA’s on your podcast.

7. Testimonials and Reviews

Remember, one of the key aspects to having a website for your podcast is that it helps you build relationships with your audience. And there’s no better way to add authenticity to your website than by including testimonials and reviews from your loyal podcast community.

Whether it’s testimonials about the product and services you offer, or reviews about your podcast, including these on your website can help convert the casual peruser into loyal fan. When people see the value that you’re already adding to those in your community, and see the genuine praise or recommendations you’re receiving for what you do, it adds legitimacy to your brand, and makes the conversion to loyal follower that much easier.

8. Social Media Links and Newletter Sign-Up

Use your website to show users all the other places and platforms where they can find your cool content! Add links to all the platforms you’re using to build your brand, and consider adding some sneak peeks of what you’re offering across the different platforms.

If you’ve got some hilarious TikToks, share some of your favorites. If you use Pinterest to share some super useful infographics, include a few on your website. (Hint: Go the extra mile and make them downloadable. This is a great way to show that you’re serious about giving value to your audience!)

And if you’ve got a newsletter, make it easy for people to sign up via your website! You can even include some of your previous editions so that newcomers get a great taste of all that your newsletters offer.

Related read: How To Successfully Grow [And Retain!] Your Mailing List

9. Monetization Opportunities

Last but not least, your podcast website should highlight your monetization opportunities. If sponsors have offered you a discount code to share with your audience, create an attractive image notifying your website users of the offers that are available. (Just make sure that whatever you share is within the scopt of your sponsor’s contract!)

If you’ve got a Patreon account, include that link on your website. Have a Buy Me a Coffee profile? Make sure that promo image features on your site.

Perhaps you’ve launched a line of your own merch? Build a ‘Shop’ page into your website to make it easy for your followers to purchase your items. Or you could even just provide the option for your audience to make donations towards your running costs. Make it easy to do on your website, and you’ll make it that much easier for your community to support you.

Related read: 15 Effective Ways To Make Money From Your Podcast

Closing Thoughts

A podcast website offers the podcast host a ton of benefits. Besides making it easy for your listeners, both new and die-hard, to really get to know you, a website allows you the space and the tech to offer your audience some great bonuses.

A website makes it easy for people to find you and your show, for fans and other podcast hosts to get in contact with you, and it gives you a solid platform from which to share all you’d like to offer your audience and so build your brand.

In short, a podcast website elevates your potential to meet more of your target audience, and gives your audience so much more once they land on your site.

Make sure that your podcast website houses all the above, and it will be a massive factor in your ultimate podcasting success.

Want to learn more about building a website for your podcast? Check out this post from The Podcast Host: Create a Podcast Website that Grows Your Show (& a Blog Besides!)

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