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Ep 90: Will Video Podcasts Kill Audio Podcasts?

Here at the Ask We Edit Podcast, we believe that audio-only is the main reason behind the growth of the podcast medium. At the same time, video podcasts have been growing steadily and many high-level podcasters are incorporating this avenue into their array of content. A great way to enjoy the best of both worlds is to use the power of video to further boost your reach and appeal to new audiences that might be more suited to YouTube. Video clips and teasers on streaming sites and social networks can also enable you to grow your audience, so tune in today to learn more!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Podcasters have experienced great success on YouTube using video episodes.  
  • There has been wider adoption of this format and type of content recently. 
  • We recommend using video as a complementary form of content.
  • Audio-only is the format that has made podcasts spike in popularity in recent years. 
  • Video can allow access to new audiences, so should not be ignored. 
  • Videos on social platforms can further enhance your reach and marketing.
  • The challenges and work that goes into producing video content.

Links Mentioned:

Joe Rogan

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We Edit Podcasts is a podcast production agency serving clients since 2015. We provide a wide range of services with 48-hour turnaround times.
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